Motion Picture Photography course begins with basic aesthetics and technical aspects of still photography. It progresses with image formation in both still photography and videography. Basic lighting concepts are tried out with various video formats. Different photographic/cinematographic aspects of cinema (through different video formats like VHS, Betacam, DVCAM, HD-High Definition etc.) are taught along with focus on viewing of cinema. All this is conducted under the supervision of distinguished camerapersons.
Major aspects of Motion Picture Photography e.g. analyzing a story, lighting, visualization, camera operation and related post-production work are taught through intensive workshops. Total perspective of a story that gets visually translated into a screen becomes a reality for a student in this course through intensive hands-on training using advanced video equipment. Practical exercises organised include story-telling through various exercises like Documentary and finally Diploma film.
As part of specialization course, Motion Picture Photography students undertake exercises for processing and printing of B/W stillphotographs and advertisement lighting workshops by industry professionals.
Though the course concentrates on video, students are taught in such a way that they can handle celluloid shooting. Celluloid exposure in indoor set and real location is given through workshops under the guidance of a distinguished cinematographer.
After completion of the course, a student is capable to:
Students from previous batches are employed in news channels like Star Anand; some are working independently in the Mumbai and Kolkata Film Industry while many are engaged in different productions of Roopkala Kendro.